Every three years we hold a Stewardship Campaign. This is a time in our collective life when we ask everyone who attends and loves St. Giles Church to either make a modest increase in the amount that they give to our Church, or to think about creating a monthly Standing Order. Many people have now found that the best and most efficient way to give to St. Giles is through a monthly Standing Order that is also Gift Aided. This means that for every £1 that a person gives over 30p is returned to us via HMRC.
Although Stewardship is a bit of 'churchy' word it does refer to an important principle, namely that we all need to act with good Stewardship over the resources of time and money that God has entrusted us with. Making sure that we set aside gifts of time and money, either large or small, for the life and mission of our Church. The amazing thing about St. Giles is that even through the lockdowns everyone pulled together, so that we were able to meet all of our expenditure commitments. Furthermore after the lockdowns, when many people had not fully returned to Church, we were still able to fill most of our volunteer requirements, although there is always a need for increased levels of help in many areas of our Church's life.
So where are we now? Basically St. Giles finances continue to be in a reasonably healthy shape, nevertheless we are due a Stewardship Campaign to uplift our income in response to the inevitable decline in Standing Orders that happen when people either die, move away or personal circumstances change. However, due to the cost of living crisis, the PCC felt it sensitive and prudent to avoid a full blown fundraising campaign at a time when many people's finances are increasingly under pressure. If it is possible, a small uplift would be helpful in allowing St. Giles to face all of its expenditure requirements over the next few years. If you are, therefore, in a position to even slightly raise the amount that you give on a regular basis, by even as little as £5 a month, then that would be a huge help and encouragement. Similarly if you are able to start giving to St. Giles by a regular Standing Order that would also be very helpful.
When we all pull together we can continue to have a Church which is there for all of us.
Thank you very much for all your support.
Matthew Hughes, August 2022
How to Give to St. Giles
You may now make both one-off and regular payments online via the Just Giving service. Just follow this link.Or you may download and complete a Standing Order form, plus if appropriate a Gift Aid declaration form. Both of these forms may be obtained from our Downloads Page, and once completed should be returned to the Parish Office.
If you are already a regular contributor we would nevertheless like to ask you to consider increasing your donation. Even a small extra amount would be of help
What We Give Matters Did you know that:
* £30 provides a bereavement support group session
* £25 per month will pay to heat the church during our Sunday services
* £15 per month will cover the cost of cutting the memorial garden lawns
* £10 month will help our Sunday school teach our children the Christian faith ?
Over all it costs £160,000 per year to run our church. So let us all pull together and give what we can, because if we are honest we all love and value St Giles!
Did you know:* Just 2 hours a week per person can help to keep the church yard looking great and will keep you fit as well
* One person spending 3 hours a month arranging flowers will bring pleasure to many and you will enjoy it too
* One person spends 3 hours a month counting the collection and banking it. Job done.
* One person giving 2 hours per month to helping with admin helps stop muddle ?
Helping out can be very fulfilling and fun as well, as we get to make new friends over a shared task.
Please email the Parish Office if you would like to know more about how you might help::
Gift Aid
As you can see from this website, St. Giles is an historic church set in beautiful countryside. But St. Giles is also a living community, offering along with St. Nicholas, a wide-ranging ministry to the people of Farnborough.
If you have benefited from the ministry of this parish or would like to help make sure St. Giles is here for the future then please support us, and if you are a tax payer you may gift aid your contributions. .