St. Giles Farnborough is a church with a long and happy history, a warm and welcoming building which makes a return visit a must for many who have entered its doors. Many people of note have had connections with St. Giles, such as Dr Thomas Young who, amongst other things, interpreted the Hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone in Egypt.
The Aveburys, Lubbocks, Pitts and Foxes are the names of a few of the many families who regularly worshipped in St Giles. Perhaps you have fond memories of time spent here, at a Baptism or Wedding, or joining in one of our many regular services. If so, you may well wish to return and recall the happy event. St Giles is proud of its many visitors, and wishes to extend a hand of friendship to all.
'Friends' stall at Farnborough Fayre |
Friends of
St.Giles Contacts
Chairperson | Julia Hoadley juliahoadley@waitrose.com |
01689 853632 |
Secretary / membership | Sue Ellis sue.ellis.uk@gmail.com |
01689 607256 |
Treasurer | Roger Allard rogerallard@tiscali.co.uk |
01689 860215 |
250 Club | Sue Ellis sue.ellis.uk@gmail.com |
01689 607256 |
About the 'Friends of St. Giles'
You can help us keep in touch with you from time to time by becoming a "FRIEND OF ST. GILES THE ABBOT". The Friends exist to help raise the funds necessary to maintain the beauty of St. Giles the Abbot Church and its Churchyard for future generations to enjoy. For a small annual subscription you will be included on our mailing list and be advised of, and invited to, any function held, as well as special services that may interest you. We are a registered charity, which enables you, if you so wish, to Gift Aid your subscription, thus enabling us to claim back tax that has been paid by you.If you are a keen or budding fundraiser or just willing to lend a hand at events, then you are exactly what we are looking for. This is a great way to meet new friends, socialize, do something great for a fantastic cause, or even look impressive on your CV.
The Friends of St. Giles, is administered by a small Executive Committee comprising the Rector and Churchwarden (both ex officio), the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than two or more than five elected members. The Committee meets quarterly with these meetings also attended by the Financial Adviser with one further meeting to approve the accounts prior to the A.G.M
For more information or an informal chat, please contact Julia Hoadley 01689 853632. You may download a Membership Application Form from our downloads page, or contact our Membership Secretary Sue Ellis, on 01689 607256.
250 Club
Members of this Club sign up to give £12 each per year, and every month there is a draw for the 5 prizes, with the balance of the monies going to the Friends of St. Giles.Membership forms are available from Sue Ellis.