Charity in Focus 2024

St Giles Centre Refurbishment

At our PCC meeting held on Monday 13th October 2023 the PCC decided to suspend our charitable giving for the whole of 2024, with the exception of the Parish Fete. 

The reason for this is that we hope that work on the St. Giles Centre will begin in earnest in the summer of this year. 

Latest Update

Bromley Food Bank

I am writing to express our heartfelt thanks to your congregation for supporting Bromley Borough Foodbank this Harvest season.  Your continued support of our charity is invaluable, enabling us to assist those who are most vulnerable in our community.

Please find attached your
Food Bank Certificate, which you are welcome to print and display. Please accept my apologies for the delay in sending this out to you.

Thank you once again for your continued support of Bromley Borough Foodbank. Many thanks and kind regards,

Gabrielle     Bromley Borough Foodbank

Biliam Sardar

Just recently I have been able to send out over £660 to Fr Biliam for him to spend on education for his family, his parishioners and any other good causes that are of pressing concern.

Thank you so much to all of you who have been able to contribute to our ongoing support of Biliam and his ministry, which is exercised in very difficult conditions.  Your generosity is making a huge difference to the lives of many people. 

Thank you.

Community Larder &
Warm Space

Tuesdays from 10:30am

Just a reminder that our Community Larder runs every Tuesday morning at St. Nicholas church.

We are now also opening up our building as a 'Warm Space' from 10.30am - 12.30pm every Tuesday. Anyone can come along and enjoy the Warm Space from 10.30am, and will also be able to access free fresh food and grocery items from the Community Larder from 11.30am onwards, along with a free cup of tea or coffee.

Please do advertise the Community Larder and the Warm Space initiative to anyone you know who may be interested.

Alfie Beston - Organ Scholar

I am delighted to announce that Alfie Beston has accepted our invitation to be our Organ Scholar here at St. Giles.  Some of you will have already heard Alfie play at various services and those of us present have been very impressed with Alfie’s playing ability and musical talent. 

When Alfie is not playing the organ he is also a member of our Church choir and we are very grateful for his ongoing commitment to the musical life of St. Giles Church. 

The Anglican choral tradition is very important both to me and to many people at St. Giles and I am pleased that through our support of Alfie we will be making an important contribution to the long term future of church music.



Raffle Prizes - St. Giles Centre

We are planning several Raffles in 2024, to raise funds for the St. Giles Centre Refurbishment and would welcome your support. 

Did you receive a bottle of spirts or wine for Christmas that was not to your taste? Or maybe a beauty Gift set, box of biscuits or Chocolates/liqueurs that are just not for you?  Please donate your new unwanted gifts to St. Giles to help us create several beautiful Hamper baskets of delights, to raffle.

The above list is not exhaustive, we would be grateful to receive a new book, apron, vase or anything else which you think someone else will love.  Please place donations behind the font, in the large shopping bags marked accordingly. Items will be collected after the Sunday and Thursday morning services.

Thank you for your generosity and continued support.

St. Giles Fundraising Team

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St. Nicholas Toddler Groups

St Nicholas church has had to take the very difficult decision to stop running its own Toddler Group, so it’s great news that two new groups are going to be starting!

Pop-Up Play Village
Baby Explorers

Unfortunately and with immediate effect   'Messy Church' will longer be running.