Below are services at St. Giles Farnborough. Variations from the norm are in Red.
Our 10:00am services on Sundays are especially suited to families with children.
Further Information

Pewsheets for Sunday services are available for download in advance, usually by the end of Friday each week.  See the Pewsheets and Bulletins link on the front page.

20th Oct

Twenty First Sunday after Trinity

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am Morning Praise Chris Hallett - Reader
11:15am Mattins - 1662 Chris Hallett - Reader
6:30pm Holy Communion - Order 1 The Revd. Matthew Hughes

27th Oct

Last Sunday after Trinity

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am Family Communion The Revd. Matthew Hughes
11:15am Mattins for All Souls The Revd. Matthew Hughes
Chris Hallett, Reader
6:30pm Evensong for All Souls - see panel to right The Revd. Matthew Hughes
Chris Hallett, Reader

3rd Nov

Fourth Sunday before Lent

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am Family Communion The Revd. Matthew Hughes
11:15am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
6:30pm Evensong - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes

10th Nov

Remembrance Sunday

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am All Age Worship / Parade The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:45am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial The Revd. Matthew Hughes
11:15am Annual Service of Remembrance The Revd. Matthew Hughes
6:30pm Festival of Remembrance The Revd. Matthew Hughes

17th Nov

Second Sunday before Advent

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am Morning Prayer Chris Hallett - Reader
11:15am Mattins - 1662 Chris Hallett - Reader
6:30pm Holy Communion - Order C The Revd. Matthew Hughes

24th Nov

Christ The King

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am Family Communion The Revd. Matthew Hughes
The Ven. Dr. Paul Wright
11:15am    *** no service ***   
6:30pm Taizé Service The Revd. Matthew Hughes

1st Dec

First Sunday of Advent

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am All Age Worship / Parade / Toy Service The Revd. Matthew Hughes
11:15am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
6:30pm Advent Service The Revd. Matthew Hughes

8th Dec

Second Sunday of Advent

8:00am Holy Communion - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
10:00am Family Communion The Revd. Matthew Hughes
11:15am Mattins - 1662 The Revd. Matthew Hughes
6:30pm Choral Evensong The Revd. Matthew Hughes

Prayer Requests

At St. Giles there are opportunities for private and communal prayer, whether it is lighting a candle or praying with others on Sunday morning, we believe God hears our prayers and answers them as may be best for us.

If there are particular issues that you would like prayed for then please let us know. In particular we pray every Sunday for those who are sick and for those who have passed away


Arrangements for Services

Sunday 11:15 services

There is now no 11.15 am. service on the 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.

Midweek Services

Thursdays 10:00am

Midweek Holy Communion. 

All Souls Service

Sunday 27th October

The invitations to the All Souls services are being distributed to all those who responded in writing last year.  The Parish Secretary has put in the Church porch invitations addressed to those people she recognises as regular congregation members. 

Closing date for responses is Friday 18th October.  Spare invitation letters are also in the Church porch.

Prayer Group

Sundays 8:30am

Thank you to those who have joined in our Prayer Group which meet 'at home' on Sunday at 8.30 a.m.  Please let me know if you participated in this so I can let the ‘group’ know. 

If there is somebody in your circle of family and friends who could
benefit from our prayers, or if you have suffered a recent bereavement please forward the relevant name to the Parish Office.