Farnborough Parish Magazine is published monthly, and is thought to have been in continuous production since 1899, see Magazine History.
More recently, falling church attendance, the rise of the internet, and competition from free local advertising papers, have made maintaining a sufficient number of subscribers to cover the production costs more challenging. Accordingly the pricing has had to be reviewed.
The total cost for the magazines including delivery to your door
by a delivery van (or by Royal Mail for those outside the BR6
postcode area) is now £30 per year.
If you would prefer to receive the magazine as an email
with pdf attachment the annual cost is £12.
This pricing is designed to ensure that subscriptions now
cover production and distribution costs.
See below for methods of payment and conditions.
Magazine Contacts
Editor: .Gail Low farnboroughparishmag@gmail.comAdvertising: Gill Knapp advertising.farnboroughparish@gmail.com
Distribution: Paul Barnes 01689 822005 paul_barnes14@yahoo.co.uk
The Editor and PCC accept no responsibility for the services offered by advertisers.
The deadline for submission of articles is the 6th of the previous month eg. articles for a March edition need to be received by the editor by the 6th of February.
Subscription and Distribution
To subscribe to this, payment must be made in advance as follows:1 You can arrange a direct payment (preferred method) with your Bank or Building Society using the following details:
Bank name: Santander
Account name: Parochial Church Council of St. Giles
Sort Code: 09-01-51
Account No: 47938309
Please reference it with your name, postcode and house number and inform the Parish office using the slip available on the Downloads Page
2 Alternatively for those who do not use online banking please pay your subs by cheque accompanied by the tear off slip as above and return to the Parish Office marked Subscriptions, FPM, Parish Office, St Giles Centre, Church Road, Farnborough, Kent, BR6 7DB or by writing your name and address on the back of the cheque.
Cash payments will no longer be accepted, apart from copies purchased in the churches. If you buy the magazine in the church it will cost £2.50 per copy.
We look forward to receiving notices, articles and photographs by 6th of the month prior to publication eg. items to be included in a March magazine must be received by the 6th February.
Parish Magazine Deliveries
We have a small dedicated team of distributors for our Parish Magazine. We would very much like to have further volunteers to either cover illness and holidays or on a permanent basis, which would take approximately 45 minutes to an hour a month.If you are interested in helping in this most important duty would you kindly contact
Paul Barnes on 01689 822005.
Hello from your New Editor!
Hello everyone. My name is Gail Low. Some of you may recognise my name but not be able to place me. I have visited St Giles on a few occasions with my retired Guide Dog Jasper. It’s amazing how many people remember him rather than me! I have volunteered as editor of this magazine because the magazine and St Giles mean a lot to me and I wouldn’t want the magazine to stop. So this will be a challenge for me to try something different and something out of my comfort zone. I can often be found baking and decorating cakes, from birthday cakes to wedding cakes and they are far easier than editing this magazine!I am very grateful to Helen and Eddie for their support with this issue and to all the people who have sent me articles to be included. Please keep the articles coming!
Gail Low, April 2023
Advertising Rates
Full page, Black and White,£600 per annum, £50 per month
Half Page, Black and White
£150 per annum, £25 per month
Quarter Page Black and White
£150 per annum, £12.50 per month
For further information please contact Gill Knapp