At our PCC meeting held on Monday 13th October 2023 the PCC decided to suspend our charitable giving for the whole of 2024, with the exception of the Parish Fete. The reason for this is that we hope that work on the St. Giles Centre will begin in earnest in the summer of this year.
To date we do not have a clear picture of how much this work is going to cost but it will certainly be a substantial amount. Consequently every month we are going to ask our Church and community to contribute to a particular area of the refurbishment work.
January 2025 UpdateThank you to all of you for your ongoing support of the St. Giles Centre Refurbishment Appeal. We are making steady progress.The idea is that we continue this fundraising until we are in a position to begin this vital work. Thank you so much for all your generosity. Matthew
St Giles Centre has played an important part in the life of
our church since its construction in the 1970s and 80s. |
Prayer for the Centre RefurbishmentAlmighty God, good Father to us all we thank you for your love and provision towards St Giles church over many years.We now offer to you the challenges that we face in terms of our Centre, we pray for a generous response to our appeals and that all that is required may be in place so that the light of your love and truth may be proclaimed in this place. This we ask in Jesus' name, Amen Charity in Focus 2023Here are the charities that weresupported in 2023:
Charity in Focus 2022Here are the charities that weresupported in 2022: .
Eddie Roberts 01689 851267 |
Charity Film Nights:
Charity Film nights are held in the St. Giles Centre, normally on the last Thursday of each month.Film details can be found in the Parish Magazine