Farnborough Village History | Raffle Prizes Needed | Harvest Supper |
Recently Added:Pet Service PhotosSt. Nicholas Toddler Groups Sunday School Autumn Prog. Senior Senior School Prog. Two Peals in July Parish Fete Photos St, Nicholas Spring Fair Photos AGM Papers and Accounts Easter Flowers Photos Good Friday Photos Charity in Focus 2024 All Recent Events Charity in Focus:St. Giles CentreAt our PCC meeting held on Monday 13th October 2023 the PCC decided to suspend our charitable giving for the whole of 2024, with the exception of the Parish Fete. The reason for this is that we hope that work on the St. Giles Centre will begin in earnest in the summer of this year. Read More |
Clergy Reflections |
Over the past one thousand years
countless people have come here to worship God, to
celebrate, to mark the important events in their families'
lives and to seek meaning, comfort, and strength from God
along life's journey. Wherever you are, please remember our parish and its work in your thoughts and prayers. Matthew J. Hughes,
Community Larder: Read More | ||
At the heart of everything we do is a belief in the eternal and life giving love of God perfectly revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This love is stronger than sin, hatred, sickness or death. It is the pearl of great price and the meaning and purpose of life. We believe that we are called to follow the commandments of Christ - to love ourselves, to love our neighbours and to love God with everything we have. We recognise that this is not always easy, especially as Jesus reminds us that love and forgiveness are inseparable.
We are by no means a perfect community, neither do we have all the answers and all the confidence that some would associate with strong beliefs and faith. However we each try to love as God has called us to, acknowledging that we are all works in progress being inwardly and outwardly transformed into the likeness of Christ through the power of the Spirit.
At St. Giles you will be free to be yourself in community, to discover who you are and what you can become through God's transforming love. You will be allowed to grow, to explore, to change at your own pace and in your own way. When you come you will always receive a warm welcome and when you can't you will not be judged. When life takes you into suffering there will be love and care around you, when you want to help your gifts will be appreciated, and when you are tired there will be space for you to rest. At St. Giles we learn from each other and especially from our children, from the weak, the vulnerable. We remember with deep concern the world's oppressed, voiceless, poor and destitute and we do what we can to put love into action as Jesus has taught us.
Parish Boundaries:See MapParish Office:St. Giles Centre tel: 01689 853471 stgilesparishoffice@gmail.comOffice Hours : Website:Nick Reynolds: nickrstgiles@gmail.com
There are no toilets at St. Giles church. The nearest Community Toilet is at the Woodman Public House in the village.
Pewsheets and Bulletins:
Click Here,Notices and Events
St Giles Harvest Supper
Saturday 5th October 2024Come and join us for a fun evening. We have a fantastic live band and caller. Bring your family, your friends and neighbours. Join in the dancing or just watch the fun.
Recycling Stamps
Thank you to everyone who donated stamps to raise money for "Against Breast Cancer UK"
Please continue to save your stamps at home and we will have another collection in December and January.
St Giles Centre Refurbishment
Thank you to everyone who is continuing to support our St. Giles
Centre Appeal. I appreciate that fundraising will be more focused
once we secure a price for the work. Read More
Charity Film Nights:
Charity Film nights are held in the St. Giles Centre, normally on the last Thursday of each month.Film details can be found in the Parish Magazine.
As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and we are committed to ensuring our church and hall buildings are safe places for all.Safeguarding and Families
Safeguarding Policy
Responses to Safeguarding Concerns
Safeguarding Resources for Parents
If you have any concerns about safeguarding you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer,
Mrs Irene Dancer - tel: 01689 854765 or email: idstgiles@btinternet.com