There are several monuments to past parishioners on the walls of the church and the following are of special note.

At the East end of the South wall of the chancel over the Victorian sedile is the monument to Thomas Brome who died in 1673. This is a large architectural tablet surmounted by a pediment and crest. It was sculptured by Jasper Latham, one of Sir Christopher Wren’s principal masons working on St. Paul's Cathedral.

At the West end, is the tablet to Doctor Thomas Young, 1829, who was responsible for unravelling the mysteries of the Egyptian hieroglyphics. He is buried in the chancel in the family vault of the Maxwell family into which he married, and who are commemorated in the second plaque, to his wife's parents James Primrose and Anna Maria Maxwell.

Thomas Young plaque James and Anna Marie Maxwell

On the South wall of the nave next to the gallery, is the painted board commemorating the Benefaction of George Dalton to the parish in 1566. Today, the "Rush Sermon" is still preached on the appropriate day, the floor of the nave being strewn with cut flags (wild Iris), leaves and other herbs

Almost opposite on the North wall of the nave, is the large Epstein-like bronze by Elsie March, a member of the local artist family, who made the bronze figures for the Canadian National War Memorial in Ottawa. This is a memorial to Mrs. Kelly, wife of a former Rector..

   The George Dalton
 Elsie March bronze      The Lectern

The Brass Eagle Lectern, from which the Bible is read, is a memorial to Sergeant Frederick Shells of the 34th Imperial Yeomanry, Middlesex, killed at Senekal, South Africa in 1900.

The most recent addition to the fittings in the church is a plaque in memory of the late Eric Lubbock - Lord Avebury and former Member of Parliament for Orpington.

This was unveiled in St. Giles Church on Sunday 3rd July 2016.  A number of members of the family were present, and a short address was given by his son Lyulph Lubbock, now the 5th Baron Avebury. .


Book of Remembrance

A book of Remembrance is situated within St. Giles Church. It is displayed in a glass-topped pedestal and the pages are turned daily.

The purpose of the Book is to record the names of departed loved ones and the names occur in date order of death. 

If you would like to inspect an entry in the Book, or be advised as to whether a name has been entered, or would like a photocopy of an entry, please contact the Parish Office, stating your name and address, the name of the person you are searching for and the date of death, if known. Likewise, if you would like to have an entry inserted in the Book of Remembrance, please contact the Parish Office.