Our children and leaders are on holiday, but we will be back on Sunday 8th September.

Senior Sunday school, for children and young people who are 8-12 years of age meets on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at 9.50am. We usually follow the weekly readings as read in church. We study the bible, talk about our learning and often express this through craft. 

During the Spring 2023 term one of the readings we studied was Matthew 6: 25-end and the theme was “Do not worry about tomorrow.” It’s the reading about the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. Different kinds of things worry us – friendships and school tests were just two mentioned.  We thought about how we can ask God for help with our worries and the importance of putting our faith in God. We can’t control everything in our lives, but we can ask God to help and hand over our worries to Him.

We demonstrated this with bubbles. We blew bubbles into the air and thought of each bubble containing a concern or worry we might have. As the bubble burst, the worry was given over to God.

We decided that our life with God is of paramount importance and should not be forgotten as we worry about the things that effect our daily lives.   


God of Abundance,  
Help us to consider the birds of the air;
Help us to consider the lilies of the field. 
We give thanks for the food that feeds us and the food that feeds the birds; 
We give thanks for the clothes that cover and warm us and the colours and textures that clothe the flowers and fields.
May we be thankful for all that you provide and thankful too that you know what we need.  
Help us to let go of our worries by handing them over to you, 
And by putting our trust in you.  
Help us to strive for your kingdom, knowing all things will be well. 
We ask in Jesus’ name.


If you have children who you think might like to join us, do come along on a Sunday morning and give us a try.

We meet in St Giles Centre and we walk the children back to church before the end of the service. You can also contact me as indicated below. 

  We believe that we should all try to apply our faith to the world in which we live. Therefore, some time will be spent on helping our young people think about issues around, for example, poverty, the environment or friendships, from a Christian perspective and where possible to practically engage with them.   

For more information please contact our Family and Children’s Worker:
Irene Dancer 01689 854765

Senior Sunday School Retreat

The Senior Sunday School went on a Spiritual Retreat to Burrswood.  We had time for quiet reflection, a walk in the woods and we also made posters for the Good Friday Family Service. We all had a great time!


Youth Persons Discussion Group  

Are you interested in exploring and understanding the Christian faith in the company of other young people? St Giles currently runs a young peoples Discussion Group whose purpose is to bring young people together to discuss and explore issues of faith, life and living in the context of our modern age.

The group is followed by a meal and a time for socializing. If you are interested please contact Fr Matthew at

Temptation Rap

Jesus was a cool dude forty days without food,
The devil tried to tempt him, but Jesus He fought him,
Jesus, with love on his face,
Spreading love to the human race,
saying, "We will, we will do right"
saying, "We will, we will do right"

Satan got frustrated, couldn't take Him down,
Promises and lies were all unfound,
" get behind me, you're beneath me!" Jesus said out loud
Because of Jesus we stand tall and proud,
saying, "we will, we will do right"
saying, "we will, we will do right"

Satan took Him to a mountain top, said Jesus you can fly,
You are the king, surely angels won’t let you die,
But Jesus said, "no', Satan you've got to go!"
Now we're following Jesus,
saying, "we will, we will do right
saying, "we will, we will do right!"

(Adapted for Senior Sunday school)