St Giles is proud of the good condition and standard of care of our churchyard, and this is often commented on by visitors and passers by.

The Church employs a contractor to cut the grass and to remove non-compostable rubbish for nine months of the year, but all other regular tasks except the digging of graves are carried out all year round by volunteers from within the church community - the "Churchyard Team". Because they meet on Tuesdays, they are also referred to as the "Tuesday Team".

New members are always welcome to the Team. If you would like to know more why not pop along on a Tuesday morning 9.00am – midday. 

For further information contact Martin Parsons

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Christmas Social

Occasionally the Tuesday Team are allowed out of the churchyard to socialize.  These photos were taken at the Christmas Social held in the Change of Horses.

Photos by Richard Healey  Click to enlarge.

The remaining photos in this panel were taken in early 2021 by Nathan Turner at  Fresh Focus and are reproduced here by permission.

The Churchyard Team at work

The team grew from a handful of retired ‘gentlemen’ who on an entirely ad-hoc basis carried out various tasks in and around St. Giles Church and St. Giles Centre, and in the very early days also at St. Nicholas Church. 

Over a considerable number of years this embryo has evolved into a dedicated volunteer group of retired men and women, numbering over 20, who turn up on Tuesday mornings ready and willing to tackle a variety of jobs, being paid only in coffee and biscuits.

Mostly the activities are now concentrated on the Churchyard at St. Giles, which has increased in size over the years, and the much-loved Garden of Remembrance, but there are also still, from time to time, items inside the Church, and at St. Giles Centre, that require attention.



Churchyard Team OneDrive

Many documents used by the team are available online using this

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More Photos

Below are further photos taken at various times over the last eight years or so.